Hao Jie Chan's Kingdom
SD Wing Zero Custom is done! Click here to check it out!

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built of paper.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Little green fingers...

While Rayquaza is a large and high pokemon, its fingers are surpringly small.

Almost thought of throwing it into the bin when I saw the designs....

Ah well, the right arm is almost finished, leaving the left arm with its little green thingy on the paper.

Practice does make something perfect, the first finger is....squashed-like. Lines are visible everywhere. Now, it's the third finger and I'm quite satisfied.

I hope the rest will be a breeze~
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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Chinese New Year Open House In Astaka

Our Prime Minister came to "Padang Lapangan Terbang" ( A field for aeroplanes, did not see a single one since I moved in though) in Sitiawan for the celebration of Chinese New Year yesterday.

After passing the traffic jams all the way to Padang Astaka ( this one is more commonly known among the residents here), WOW, cars and motorcycles everywhere! They just parked wherever a spot was available, from sides or the roads, in the outside of the field and finally the designated parking area, the filed itself. No lines, no signs, just traffic polices telling the correct ways to go. Poor guys...

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Early Happy Chinese New Year~~

It's not even New Year's Eve but I would like to wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year here!! ^_^

Since the zodiac of the year is Dragon, a Dragon-type Pokemon is coming up for the celebration!

It is Rayquaza and I've only done it until its neck. Heavily detailed but I like the design so much, I don't really mind the time to build it. 

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 3 & 4~

Day 3

Since we reached Johor, we just visited the first school which my parents taught in and reunion with old colleagues. That used up the whole morning =O ( You know, all those chit-chats, old memories...and the list goes on ...)

Lunch time, someone was going to buy us lunch ^^ Hooray! He was the son of my parents' landlord when they were still in Johor. ( heard that he was quite a nice person, unfortunately he passed away before I have the chance to meet him )

We went to a small town called Sagil before the evening. Parents of one of the old colleagues lived in that area.
We then went to our "hotel" for that night, my parents' old colleagues house. Guess there's benefits when you have more friends. =)

That pretty  much sums up the 3rd day. Off to 4th day!

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