Hao Jie Day 3 & 4~ | Chan's Kingdom
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Thursday, January 19, 2012


Day 3 & 4~

Day 3

Since we reached Johor, we just visited the first school which my parents taught in and reunion with old colleagues. That used up the whole morning =O ( You know, all those chit-chats, old memories...and the list goes on ...)

Lunch time, someone was going to buy us lunch ^^ Hooray! He was the son of my parents' landlord when they were still in Johor. ( heard that he was quite a nice person, unfortunately he passed away before I have the chance to meet him )

We went to a small town called Sagil before the evening. Parents of one of the old colleagues lived in that area.
We then went to our "hotel" for that night, my parents' old colleagues house. Guess there's benefits when you have more friends. =)

That pretty  much sums up the 3rd day. Off to 4th day!

Day 4

After the breakfast, we went to the famous Gunung Ledang. No, we didn't climb the mountain, we only went to the waterfall area. It is called as "Air Panas Gunung Ledang", but ironically, there isn't any Air Panas( Hot Water). In fact, the water there was very cold, similar to taking a bath during rainy day. The water was quite refreshing, as my hometown doesn't have any waterfall area.

Did I mention the husband of my parents' colleague has 2 small souvenirs shops in the area? The souvenirs were made by them, well, mostly small souvenirs. Like this :

Yes, I'm promoting here =D

Nothing much to say here, just buy, buy, and buy more!

After the spending spree, it's time to go home =(

Aww, until the next years!


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Author: Chan HJ
An enthusiast in papercraft. Paper model designing sounds fun too! More about me at my Blog Bio or


  1. OMFG u call this an update.*toot.

    ha! Kidding

  2. WTH is ???

    oh, I see what you did there =)

    No lah, just post this for my own memory. Photos are sometimes not enough.

    Still, my narrative skills need to be improved, grrr...

    and my CAPTCHA code is "pless" LOL
