Hao Jie SD Wing Zero Custom–Shoulders, Hands and Backpack | Chan's Kingdom
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built of paper.

Thursday, August 15, 2013


SD Wing Zero Custom–Shoulders, Hands and Backpack

Sorry guys for the late update, got some real life issues needed to be deal with immediately.  Annoyed

Alright, time for the photos!


Nothing special, a very straight forward build. I like the design very much though. I love the articulation shown in photos below.DSC02849

It can be rotated 360 degrees! While this is a basic requirement for most of the plastic model, it’s not the case for paper model. Since paper is more fragile and weak ( duh!Surprised smile), they design the model to be in a fixed position to reduce the strain on the papers.
SD Wing Zero Custom _Hand_2

Still, have to improve my skill by a large margin. The finished part always  ends up dirty and rigged.



This is such a short post LOL.

Okay, still remember the misplaced part on leg? It’s supposed to be used here.DSC03000

As the connector for the palm to the wrist!DSC03002

And the almost finished SD Wing Zero Custom!DSC03014_1


Again, the silver paper causes some troubles. Thumbs down

I cut off all the tabs to prevent misalignment. Still, the thickness of the paper cannot be fixed at all.  DSC03056

As shown, the left part is supposed to be inserted into the right part. For some reason, perhaps my paper is too thick, or the design is like this from the start, they have the same width! Which means my ‘plug’ cannot enter the ‘hole’ at all. ( Okay la, give it a push and it can be forced in, but push at your own risk, the paper could be damaged.)DSC03057

So, another strange idea flashed through. How about this? Huh….. Squeeze the part eh?DSC03058

And then it works!

Again, dirty finished parts.DSC03060

Comparing the height with Papermate ball pen. It is as tall as a HG scale GunPla, or even higher.DSC03061

Some sneak preview Smile with tongue out

Guess what is it? It’s …. THE WINGS! Stay tuned!



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Author: Chan HJ
An enthusiast in papercraft. Paper model designing sounds fun too! More about me at my Blog Bio or