Hao Jie SD Wing Zero Custom- Wings | Chan's Kingdom
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built of paper.

Friday, August 16, 2013


SD Wing Zero Custom- Wings

What is the first impression in your mind when you heard the name ‘ Wing Zero Custom Gundam’?
For me, of course it’s the WINGS!

Nothing can beat the beauty of wings, and in this case, the difficulty as well. Thinking smile

These are the first part of the smaller wings at the back.


Finished first part.DSC03216

With other larger parts.DSC03237

Finished ‘ smaller’ wing. Somehow, I love this photo very much. The lines actually enhance the shape of the wings. At first, I thought the lines are disturbing because the parts look very dirty with the lines on. Well, this shot proves me wrong. Smile
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The much more complicated side wing. I call it the ‘large’ wing ,.Smile


I divided the one big tab on the right side of the photo into three smaller tabs to make my gluing job easier and tidier.DSC03242

Side by side shot shows that they are actually of the same size.
Well, I’ll just stick to my small and large wings, hahaha~

And, with those wings on, Wing Zero will lean backwards. Cannot be help at all since the wings are like 50% of the width of the whole model. Not to forget, this is only left wings. Imagine the model with both side of wings… –facepalm-

Plus, someone who built this model said that the ‘stand’ provided does not help at all. Since I had so much troubles trying to fit in all those pegs, I would not find it surprising……

However, I found a possible solution. Stay tuned for the little trick Open-mouthed smile

Off I go to another pair of wings~ Whoosh~~~


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Author: Chan HJ
An enthusiast in papercraft. Paper model designing sounds fun too! More about me at my Blog Bio or