Hao Jie Projects in USM | Chan's Kingdom
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Monday, October 21, 2013


Projects in USM

Twiss Programme

Last week was one busy week. My weekend was packed with activities and programmes!.
One of them was TWISS Programme. I don't have a clue what is the full name for TWISS ( I think TWISS is a short form, right? ), but it was meant to introduce to us, USM School of Electrical and Electronic First Year Student , the concept of Student Centred Study.

It was organised in Friday and Saturday, using almost two days, and we were required to build an electrical car!

I was totally stumped by this project as we don't even know how to use a breadboard to test our circuit, not to say building a complete circuit! Well, they provided us with some short training session... Personally, I feel that the training session is too short, I had to take out all the components even before I completed my circuit. But then, this is the first time they organised such programme... So, keep up the good work!

Anyway, this is my complete circuit board done by my team. We did it quite fast, way ahead of other groups and most importantly, it works!
Motor Car Circuit BoardMotor Car Circuit Board Working

But then, nothing is certain in this world.
 Our car won't move! We thought of using rubber band to move the wheel, but we forgot about the stretching power of  the rubber band. The motor and the wheel axis were not properly fixed in place!
Motor car circuit board with 'casing'

But all cars which succeeded using rubber band moved much faster and accelerates faster. That creates a motivation to remodify my model car, IF I have the free time hahaha.


On Sunday, DIY PCB Workshop was organised by IEEE society.

What is a PCB? PCB is Printed Circuit Board, and we were going to make PCB by ourselves!

If you would like to know more about the process, watch the video below.
It was made by my seniors.

This is my printed circuit on copper plate, transferred from PCB paper. Too bad I forgot to take a photo of PCB paper. Well, I will have another chance in November. Smile
A Printed Circuit Board
Notice the smiley!!!Closeup on the  Printed Circuit Board

The circuit is designed using EAGLE Cadsoft. Quite easy to learn in my opinion. Once you got the hang of it you will be able to design your circuit in no time. Youtube has some tutorials about EAGLE.

This is after the  etching process and tin plating process. I was one of the last batch so the tin solution is too diluted. Not a good plating, looks messy. Well, at least it works haha!Closeup on the  Printed Circuit Board after tinning

With all the components on it.Final working PCB

And it blinks!
Final working PCB

Not to forget, the souvenir keychain from this workshop. This is a PCB as well, manufactured by our lab. This is a complete circuit so if I solder all the components it might work! IEEE USM Student Branch keychain

That sums up what I did these three days. Quite packed but fun at the same time.Sometimes you just have to sacrifice something to gain something else. This is life, as we know it.



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Author: Chan HJ
An enthusiast in papercraft. Paper model designing sounds fun too! More about me at my Blog Bio or