Hao Jie SD Wing Zero Custom- Wings, Rifles and Completed! | Chan's Kingdom
SD Wing Zero Custom is done! Click here to check it out!

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built of paper.

Saturday, September 07, 2013


SD Wing Zero Custom- Wings, Rifles and Completed!

When you read this post, I am no longer in my own house.
I am on my way to USM!

And Wing Zero Custom is finished just two days before my departure Sad smile


Okay, the wings are completed, and they are gorgeous! Of course, it is still unable to balance itself but I am fine with that. SD Wing Zero Custom
SD Wing Zero Custom-001
SD Wing Zero Custom-002
SD Wing Zero Custom-003

Did not expect that GunPla beam saber can fit inside the palm. It is HG Infinite Justice’s. Looks good eh?
SD Wing Zero Custom-004


Used too much time on these two rifles. They are too complicated, couple that with the papers ( they just won’t stick to each other!) and time is wasted…

In the fend, I found that waiting for the glue to dry up a little bit helps. And I will start preparing another piece while waiting for that piece to dry up.SD Wing Zero Custom-005
SD Wing Zero Custom-006
SD Wing Zero Custom-007
SD Wing Zero Custom-008
SD Wing Zero Custom-009
SD Wing Zero Custom-010
SD Wing Zero Custom-011
The slots are too small. Had to slice through the holes for the pegs to be inserted.
SD Wing Zero Custom-012
SD Wing Zero Custom-013
SD Wing Zero Custom-014
This one as well. Enlarged the hole a little bit.
SD Wing Zero Custom-015


Pose with extra parts.SD Wing Zero Custom-016
SD Wing Zero Custom-017
SD Wing Zero Custom-018
SD Wing Zero Custom-019
SD Wing Zero Custom-020
SD Wing Zero Custom-021
SD Wing Zero Custom-022
SD Wing Zero Custom-023
SD Wing Zero Custom-024
SD Wing Zero Custom-025
SD Wing Zero Custom-026
SD Wing Zero Custom-027
In case you are wondering, I used a Papermate pen and some clay to be the base. Works wonder haha. And of course the box is used to hide the clay.
SD Wing Zero Custom-028
SD Wing Zero Custom-029
SD Wing Zero Custom-030
SD Wing Zero Custom-031
Many extra parts are available for different pose. But I omitted the parts for legs. Too lazy to made those from metallised paper. By the way I changed the paper and re-printed.
Left one is for the rifles, and right ones are fro the wings. Note the crumpled parts, guess what happened? Winking smile
SD Wing Zero Custom-032
SD Wing Zero Custom-033

I guess this is the end for my papercraft posts until November.
Did not bring my cutting mat and pen knife etc.

But, stay tuned for University updates! Smile


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Author: Chan HJ
An enthusiast in papercraft. Paper model designing sounds fun too! More about me at my Blog Bio or