Hao Jie Gundam Exia by Toscraft | Chan's Kingdom
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built of paper.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Gundam Exia by Toscraft

Hello guys. My bad, been procrastinating again and again. Today, it’s the final day of my mid-semester break, and I finally have the ‘mood’ to type again. Same thing repeated, a lot had been done, but no time to blog, haha. While my Sword Impulse is put away, ( the ink quality is… terrible. The red is so washed out now I am hesitating to reprint the templates, but when I look back at the head, it’s quite good… Any idea? Sad smile  ) I built another gundam. This time, it’s GN-001 Gundam Exia. This wonderful model is designed and distributed for free by Toscraft.
Gundam Exia

You know, the gundam papercraft designs are now mostly 40cm in height, probably? The designer thought of another idea: why don’t we reduce the height to about HG grade GUNPLA, which has a ratio of 1:144.
Hence, the product is a 1:144 papaercraft Gundam Exia! If you look around in the blog, you’ll find Destiny Gundam and Gundam Unicorn in the same size as well!

Gundam Exia (6)

I could only say the design is marvelous! It is small yet detailed. Of course, it cannot compete the level of detail with the 40cm model, but once I completed it, I really like it. The difficulty is a bit tougher, because of the small size part, but I would actually recommend beginners to try this first if they were to venture into the world of paper gundam. At least in my opinion, it is easier than SD Wing Zero Custom. It took me only 3 days to build it, and I wasn’t very focus on it as well.

Alright, time for some photos!

Gundam Exia (1)
The head and torso

Gundam Exia (2)

Gundam Exia (3)
Torso completed

Gundam Exia (4)
Oh I love this. The leg part. I forgot to take a shot of arms… and weapons…

Gundam Exia (7)

Gundam Exia (8)
Looks very sharp. The face is a little bit distorted.

Gundam Exia (9)
Brother in plastic!

Gundam Exia (10)

Gundam Exia (12)
I love the shield!

And, that’s all for my sharing Smile . Thanks for reading and until next time, happy building!


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Author: Chan HJ
An enthusiast in papercraft. Paper model designing sounds fun too! More about me at my Blog Bio or


  1. Wow, you're getting better and better at this!

    1. Thank you :D
      Still a lot more to improve, I wish to design one model myself one day.
