Hao Jie Charizard- 2011 "Masterpiece" | Chan's Kingdom
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built of paper.

Friday, October 28, 2011


Charizard- 2011 "Masterpiece"

Alright, today I shall present you, the greatest Fire-type pokemon( a semi Flying Type too) - behold, the almighty Charizard! Let me hear that claps~
Okay, so I have finally finished my Charizard paper model, which I had "procrastinate" for god-knows-how many times. 

Now, I have truly felt the impact of getting addicted to something. I built this model, for 60% of the progress, in one whole day. I was terrified by my determination too. I am getting too excited every time I walk pass this awesome Charizard, and admiring myself. Haha, I have to feed my own ego too, sometimes.

Now, cut the talking( typing), let's see the result:
The top view

you can actually estimate the length of this model. The tile, is about 17in. long each.

Comparison with the surprisingly cute-looking chewing gum container :D

Close shot at its head. The effect in near is not so good though, looks rough. =P

Its palm + claws . It's a pain in the *** to actually stick the fiddly claws into the palm.

Foot and its claws too. This's easier compared to the palm .

Ahh, the gigantic wing. I am now regretting for not inserting a piece of wire into it to strengthen it up. Now, i have to place it near to a cupboard to support its wings. The white mark is caused by over spilling of glue, accidentally.

The awesome ending to this model, and to this post too, the never-ending flame!

Goodbye and see ya next time :D


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Author: Chan HJ
An enthusiast in papercraft. Paper model designing sounds fun too! More about me at my Blog Bio or


  1. cool~ the palm looks a bit tough to craft, but you did it well though... keep it up... ^.^

  2. Ya, it was a very tedious job, to glue it one by one, and it has 2 palms!
    Thanks for the comment, will definitely improve my skill ^^

  3. Well, that's really impressive. I don't know if I have the patience to do that. :)

  4. If you really want to do one, start from a "easy" level model. I started with a medium level and it turns out... okok lurh XD
    Maybe I will write about it in the future.

  5. Where do you get the models?

  6. http://www.pokemonpapercraft.net/
