Hao Jie Taking a Break~ | Chan's Kingdom
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Monday, August 22, 2011


Taking a Break~

Was-sup guys! First of all, I am really sorry for not posting anything lately. T_T
Life was hectic and it is still...

So, my Charizard is delayed again, after I managed to make some minor, I mean really minor progress until the wings part.

And, my small bird is growing up like his long lost brother !

 Sometimes, I am shocked when I got home in a rush, because there are two birds of the same size and faces(? how do I explain this) standing in the cage! They are really identical to each other now, the only difference is the older one has some "bald" area on his beak, for some reasons. Maybe he is changing his feathers now.

My birthday has just passed, and I must say this out LOUD: 

The chocolate is delicious, the pokemons are really cute, and my " model " is pretty funky , hehe.

They even gave me a Tupperware water bottle, which is quite expensive I must say. I really appreciate that.

Ohh well, a MAJOR examination is already around the corner, in about two weeks, and this time, it will not be a pushover. It will more or less has an effect to my future. So , check this blog after a month?



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Author: Chan HJ
An enthusiast in papercraft. Paper model designing sounds fun too! More about me at my Blog Bio or

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