Hao Jie Chan's Kingdom
SD Wing Zero Custom is done! Click here to check it out!

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built of paper.

Friday, July 15, 2011

A New Guest!

Since I have just finished my LAST monthly test, I am going to introduce a new guest in my house. Here we go , tadaa :

A new, handsome looking baby bird !. It is the same species as the other one, and I don't know is it a "he" or "she". Anyway, let us just assume it as a he =]

Now, here is a cool- looking one

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Monday, July 11, 2011

This is WEIRD...

Hi guys! It has been a while after my last blog post. Well, tomorrow is my monthly test (Awwww, not again?)

Well, it is! However, I have no mood of studying, at all. How could this happen to me! Am I hating the process of studying, just to score at the test? Maybe.

Sigh, it shall be a long day~~~

See you all after 3 days!
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A quick update!

Well, it has been 2 weeks since I update this blog. I just
made a video using windows movie maker. It is my first movie, so don't give some harsh and bad comments, will ya? =P

It is about my little pet bird, which I started to keep it as a pet about a month ago. After seeing he bathing so happily, my mom took out a camera and started recording him. At least he is not shy enough to bath in front of the camera :D

On a side note, the bird's scientific name is Pycnonotus sinensis, or is called 白头翁 in Chinese.

Since I am a slow builder, my model has only been finished until the head part =_=. I know I know, don't rush me. I am trying my best as I have so many projects , assignments, bla bla bla... to do now.
The current progress:

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ouch! It just HURTS~

Nononono, don't panic yet. I was yelling that when I found my finger was " pricked " ( o_0) by ....

erm..... a tiny bit of my new hair..... Wait wait wait, stay! I am not making up the story, I have proves ! Hehe

See that red circle? That is the " pricked" spot. It does hurt... 

 Now, the question is, what made that tiny hole? And how does it gets into my thumb?

The culprit!!! A new-born bit of hair ( At least I think so...)  I was scratching my hair and then, when I put my hand down and did some fingers-stretching exercises, I felt pain in my thumb. There was a black string hanging on my thumb! well, I can't take it out with my bare hands, so I planned to pluck it out in the night.

I don't know when or how, it just " drilled " its own way deep into my thumb, and ... I had to go a long way to
pick it out. Lesson learnt: Don't wait if you want to do something. 9/10, It will go wrong T_T I learnt it the hard way.

Note: This happened last weekend, so my thumb is fine now, and I am trying to build my Charizard orz
My progress up to today:

Looks kinda messy, isn't it? =P

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