Hao Jie Gotta Catch 'Em All! | Chan's Kingdom
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built of paper.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Gotta Catch 'Em All!

My second paper model in 2 weeks time XD 

Remember my got-to-be-present Vaporeon Mini? Now, it IS a present and and at the person's hand. :D Consider that a dream comes true.

I don't know why did I choose Poke Ball Box as a gift, since, it is mainly an eye candy, with its 'box' function basically left out ( paper is very fragile!), perhaps it is to fulfill a childhood dream? ( Those who watched Pokemon since its first episode will certainly what I meant. Come on, everyone wants to be Ask Ketchum right? ;D )

So, the good-looking cover photo :D

Used a different method to construct the spherical structure.
The 'bridge' method. Discard the original printed tab and create a new tab using another piece of paper.
Cut the tabs according to the 'curve'. The 'curvier' the pieces, the more tabs you should cut.

Looks very nice isn't it?

Now, the right side of the PokeBall seems flatten....

Vaporeon inside the box.

 The shape is ruined T.T

 Well, I glued the pieces in the wrong order, thus the PokeBall could not be 'closed' properly, causing the tab on the right to pop out. Cut it, and the shape became this ..... *FACEPALM*

Anyway, hope he'll like it.

Well, I am in my college room now, and believe it or not, another model is coming up. I do hope I can make some brief updates per week, but then the schedule is not clearly known yet. 

Until the next post, stay tuned!


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Author: Chan HJ
An enthusiast in papercraft. Paper model designing sounds fun too! More about me at my Blog Bio or