Hao Jie Food for the Pleasure? Or Pure Wastage? | Chan's Kingdom
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Friday, November 04, 2011


Food for the Pleasure? Or Pure Wastage?

Happy Children's Day to all the students in my primary school! These are the cupcakes made by the parent. Adorable isn't it?

However, the main topic today is not about Children's Day, it is all about the FOOD.
( All the pictures were taken using my hand phone, sorry about the quality.)

When I was in Standard 6, I don't really remember if we really had so much leftover for a single day. For those who are begging for food out there, these could last them for almost 3 days! Notice that there are plenty of  noodles/ rice/ meehun left after the celebration.

Here is one enough for my whole family for lunch, 5-full-stomachs.

The point is, why do they have to prepare so much food when they can't really finish them? 
If my mom didn't bring all these foods back, will the foods be thrown away, just like they are some sort of rubbish?

Preparing foods for a celebration isn't wrong, but if it goes beyond the need, I think that is a pure wastage of the precious foods. 

The curry is quite good, but children dislike spicy foods, so yeah.

End of this post. The food was great, left 9/10 to go. Not so happy with all these leftovers. Nevermind.


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Author: Chan HJ
An enthusiast in papercraft. Paper model designing sounds fun too! More about me at my Blog Bio or


  1. Give those parents a break, like you said, it's children's day! Plus, it's not exactly waste if u're having the leftovers for lunch rite?

  2. How if my mom did not take the foods back? They were "begging" for someone to take the leftover back. I think they will be dumped into the rubbish bin.
