Thursday, May 02, 2013
Wargeymon Papercraft
Hi guys!
Here I am, typing this post at the comfort of my home. Yes, I graduated from KMM.
Kinda miss the smelly bed now, but life goes on anyways right? So, yeah, trying hard to get used to the original bed now.
Anyway, Wargreymon is finally done, after one whole Semester of work!.
Believe it or not, I was building this big guy in the final week of my exam. Can't blame the habit of 'distraction is much more interesting than studying' I guess? :D
Enjoy the photos ( courtesy of another friend who lent me his better phone)
or suffer the ugly views of the glueing tabs/ colour washes/ bending folds/ etc craps in the craft
p/s: Wargreymon is now resting in its comfy home in Penang, probably enjoying its Curry Mee.
Yes, It's a present.

Author: Chan HJ
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