Hao Jie Why go for an Outing? | Chan's Kingdom
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Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Why go for an Outing?

Why you ask? I will answer you with , FOOD!
Being fed up with the foods available around you isn't definitely not a good thing, especialy if you don't want to much up on Maggie mee every now and then.
So, I went out of KMM on Saturday with a bunch of friends, to have a wonderful lunch of Laksa!

The Nyonya Laksa

Laksa Kahwin. Basically it's a mix of Laksa and Kari. If you like Santan you don't want to miss it!

Large varieties of 'dessert' to be chosen from.

Jonker 88 is one amazing place to have your favourite Laksa!

After the wonderful lunch, we went to Popular bookstore in Mahkota Parade to finish the book vouchers. (Not mine though XD)

RM 300 worth of items. LOL. Bringing it up to our room was a challenging task....

 And then, our dinner...

And for something totally unrelated, the result for the last Chemistry experiment.

I don't have a clue why the act of taking photos of observation is prohibited, but I did it anyway .... 
Very colourful result, and I sure hope I won't get into any trouble ...


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Author: Chan HJ
An enthusiast in papercraft. Paper model designing sounds fun too! More about me at my Blog Bio or