Hao Jie Chan's Kingdom
SD Wing Zero Custom is done! Click here to check it out!

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built of paper.

Friday, July 05, 2013

SD Wing Zero Custom- Head

This model is designed by Toyoppe

Quite a new experience for me, since I have never tried an actual SD scale Gundam papercraft. The mechanisms of the arms are so fascinating. It's truly amazing when you think that they are made up of papers!
Perhaps I'll try a regular size Gundam, maybe not...

The head... Nothing much to say here, but the vents look... off to me.

I wanted to cry after I saw the 'bent' shape. Cannot be molded anymore...

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Some random updates.

Finally, I have my own desk now. Thanks Mum!

Still, I am a bad at organizing my stuff, so the desk is now full of rubbish, again. If any of you would offer some advice about organizing stuff on a desk, I would gladly accept it .:D

With a new chair as well :D

This is the 'interior' of my optical mouse. Last week it somehow broke down and the left click just would not work. A single click always result in a double click.

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Sunday, June 02, 2013

In-Holiday Syndrome

Hi guys! I am now in a 4 months long holiday after my graduation from KMM. Since then, my Facebook is spammed with messages like ' I am bored to death' ,' What am I going to do now? So boring!' etc. You get it.

 Oh really?

Somehow, I am 'sparked' by these messages. They were the one who told me how eager they were for these holiday to come, what were their plannings and now, you are telling me you have nothing to do?

I had come across this situation a few times, since I had several 'short-term' holiday before this. Same thing happened. 'I am growing mushrooms on myself' appeared on my Facebook wall as well.

I don't know why would that lead myself to a confusion: what is the holiday for, in the first place?

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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Opening a new door...

Recently, I got an offer to go for an interview for Electrical Engineering course in UM.

Initially, I wanted to reject the offer, seriously. I did not expect the offer, since I filled in the choice as the 3rd choice in my PU registration, it is not supposed to get an offer based on the instructions given. 

Hence, it caused some major changes in my plan, for the whole week. I am supposed to be travelling with my friends to Penang this week, and that has to be delayed, due to this 'sudden' interview.

Then, because of my dependence on my dad, my only transport is through my dad. Kinda sad huh?
But then, a thought flashed through my mind over and over again. Why not you go for the interview, and get some experience? That would not be bad in any way right? Ahh well, I got beaten by the thought and clicked the 'accept' button.

So, I am heading to UM tomorrow for Penilaian, some sort of a test I guess.

The next day, it is the real interview. I haven not really prepared anything for the interview really. My mind is so messed up right now.

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