Hao Jie Chan's Kingdom
SD Wing Zero Custom is done! Click here to check it out!

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built of paper.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Ahh, back to old business~~

Freedom, freedom......

So, my mid-term was finally over, on Thursday. Hopefully I will get above average results, dare not to think about past 85 .

Here comes the two weeks school holiday, so many planning, so little time. My main priority, the Black Charizard model , which I had postponed for I don't know, 3 months???!!!

Next, fix my Gundam models. I am going to buy a few of colour permanent marker, since I doubt that I could find a real Gundam Marker here.... Life...

Then, my really messy bedrooms. 20 books already piled up on my floor, I could barely walk over my bed now, dust are collected on the books, and OMG, so many useless rubbish on my desk. I could use up a whole week just to clean these mess.

Alright, less "typing" and more working, better start now before regreting at the end of holidays.
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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Try NEW Things!

Well, still have two more weeks of exam to go, but still, I am starting to relax myself. After browsing through some Gunpla blogs, I found a very good guide to use Photoscape to add some effects to photos .(The guide is here.)

I am a total beginner in editing photos . As you can see, the effect is very nice. ( If done correctly >.<) However, I am not used to this kind of " higher tier" of editing, I could only drag the effect here and there, and I am not happy with the shiny colour coming out from the wings. But the laser thingy just can't be cropped!
The effect on the sword is also out of range. But this is the first time, kinda feel great about it.

That's all for now, still have to grind past two more weeks. See ya!
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Monday, April 25, 2011

Exams , exams and more exams~~~

Hooray, finally 100 page views! ( Ya, I know, YOU think that 100 views are sooooooo little, but for a beginner, it is a huge step, I mean a really huge milestone.)

Okay, back to the main point. I am having the mid-term exam next week and I don't think I have time to update this blog for the next three weeks. So, I will put the Missing-In-Action tag until the exam is over.

After the exam, I will continue my Shiny Charizard and maybe, post some photos of my older Gundam. It could be said as my master for bringing me into GUNPLA.( Well, another older one was ruined, as its quality was really .....)

EXAM I am coming for you ! Do you hear that???!!!

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Some cute "bugs"

So, a friend of my mom gave 5 of these "bugs" to her. When I first saw it, I was like " what is this? Decoration? "

Then, guess what, it was CHOCOLATE. Yup! Bug-like chocolate.

From the company's point of view, it has succeeded in attracting the attention of consumers. It is cute, adorable (?), and looks quite real too! 

However, from my point of view, I think it is a little bit of wasting. A little chocolate, does it really need to be wrapped in a colourful plastic, and then sticked onto a cardboard? It tastes just like the other chocolates which are packaged into a big plastic bag.

Anyway, it looks nice. So, what do we care,huh? 

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